On 03/29/2017 12:19 AM, Gui Iribarren via Lede-dev wrote:

>i.e. if i install ubuntu 12.04 today, i expect to have exactly the same
>system than what i got if i installed ubuntu 12.04 at the time of its

>if i want to get the fixes that happened after the time of original
>12.04 release, i'd install 12.04.1

Ubuntu 12.04 uses the same repositories, there is no split in 12.04.1, 
12.04.2 and so on.

That x.1, x.2 and so on is only a refreshed install iso with updates 

So yeah, you could install 12.04 from the old-releases iso download folder
and it would be the same as it was when it was first released,
but then the updater will whine until you update Ubuntu with all the 
stuff that was updated in the repos,
as Ubuntu isn't supposed to be used like that.

> the equivalent in lede would be ..."opkg update && opkg upgrade *"?
> but it doesn't even really make sense, given squashfs and so on.

Many new and not-so-new devices with 8+ MiB flash aren't very 
space-limited (2+ MiB free space), so you can do that fine even with 
Luci and company with space to spare.

> all we want to do is create a firmware based on a specific LEDE release,
> and not fear that if we want to rebuild the exact same firmware in two
> months (or days!), we will get a different (broken) result

This is an issue of SDK not following properly the sources (because of 
reasons detailed by others already), imho it makes more sense to fix 
that than freeze everything.


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