On 2017-02-25 22:51, Daniel Gonzalez Cabanelas wrote:
> Currently the switch LED trigger only shows link status, but not traffic 
> activity by blinking
> the LEDs on the AR8316/AR8327 switch. It turns out that the get_port_stats is 
> missing.
> I've made this patch, which works ok. But I'm not sure if there is any reason 
> to not implement this 
> function. And probably the function ar8xxx_sw_get_port_stats can be improved.
> There are a few boards with an  AR8316/AR8327 switch that need this trigger, 
> usually on the WAN port.
> As said without get_port_stats the light stays always fixed, like if there 
> wasn't traffic activity. We can use 
> the netdev trigger but then the light is always on even when the cable is 
> unplugged, and there isn't the
> possibility of using a second LED trigger on the same port for indicating a 
> reduced link speed.
> diff --git a/target/linux/generic/files/drivers/net/phy/ar8216.c 
> b/target/linux/generic/files/drivers/net/phy/ar8216.c
> index 37877d5..ffaa77e 100644
> --- a/target/linux/generic/files/drivers/net/phy/ar8216.c
> +++ b/target/linux/generic/files/drivers/net/phy/ar8216.c
> @@ -1001,6 +1001,41 @@ ar8xxx_sw_get_port_link(struct switch_dev *dev, int 
> port,
>       return 0;
>  }
> +int
> +ar8xxx_sw_get_port_stats(struct switch_dev *dev, int port,
> +                    struct switch_port_stats *stats)
> +{
> +     struct ar8xxx_priv *priv = swdev_to_ar8xxx(dev);
> +     const struct ar8xxx_chip *chip = priv->chip;
> +     u64 *mib_stats, mib_data;
> +     const char *mib_name;
> +     int i;
> +
> +     if (!ar8xxx_has_mib_counters(priv))
> +             return -EOPNOTSUPP;
> +
> +     if (port >= dev->ports)
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +
> +     mutex_lock(&priv->mib_lock);
> +
> +     ar8xxx_mib_fetch_port_stat(priv, port, false);
> +
> +     mib_stats = &priv->mib_stats[port * chip->num_mibs];
> +     for (i = 0; i < chip->num_mibs; i++) {
> +             mib_name = chip->mib_decs[i].name;
> +             mib_data = mib_stats[i];
> +             if (!strcmp(mib_name, "TxByte"))
> +                     stats->tx_bytes = mib_data;
> +             if (!strcmp(mib_name, "RxGoodByte"))
> +                     stats->rx_bytes = mib_data;
> +     }

Fetching the entire port stats only to look up two fields seems rather
excessive. Please make a function instead that will look up the register
number and fetch only the relevant registers.
The lookup can be further simplified by adding an enum for the mib_stats
array index.

- Felix

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