
I’m currently working with Alex Samorukov on bringing cpu frequency setting to 
rbcfg for Mikrotik Routerboards devices, and in doing so, we would need a bit 
of input from people owning that hardware and running LEDE on it:

1. output of `cat /proc/cpuinfo`
2. output of `dmesg | grep board=`
3. if possible, whether or not RouterBOOT offers a “cpu frequency” setting 
(typically under key ‘f’) at boot time
4. if possible, for various cpu frequency settings (ideally for all of them), 
the output of `dmesg | grep Clocks; hexdump -C /dev/mtdblockN` where mtdblockN 
is the soft_config partition. Please provide this output at least once, even if 
there’s no frequency setting.
5. Finally, which frequency setting is the factory default one

We already have the data for the RB mAP lite and hAP lite.

I think that covers it!

Thanks in advance,
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