Hi list,

I just pushed an experimental commit to my staging tree which updates
opkg to an improved custom LEDE fork [1] which attempts to minimize the
memory usage requirements to make opkg usable on low memory devices again.

Some preliminary testing on virtual and physical x86/64 targets showed a
drop in memory usage of about 90%, from > 3MB to under < 400KB.

If you like to help testing, apply
https://git.lede-project.org/9eac1b0.patch to your tree and rebuild opkg
using "make package/opkg/host/{clean,compile} package/opkg/{clean,compile}".

Things that need verification:

 - proper behavior of opkg on the host when staging packages into the
   root file system

 - proper behavior of opkg on the target when updating, installing and
   removing packages

 - required run time of opkg when working on the target

~ Jo

1: https://git.lede-project.org/?p=project/opkg-lede.git;a=summary

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