On 10/02/2017 14:01, Mauro M. wrote:
> In response to Mathias:
> Let's have a look at the use cases for the Red Ethernet Port:
> 1) Classic case: Internet Home user with xDSL WAN + Wired and Wireless
> Devices
> SCENARIO: In this case my WAN is the xDSL port, my router has 4 Ethernet
> (yellow) ports, but I have 5 devices, so I want to BRIDGE my Red
> Ethernet to extend the available Yellow Ethernet (LAN) ports
> STATUS: this does not work today, see FS#390
> 2) Small Office User with xDSL and Fixed IP Subnet
> SCENARIO: In this case I have to disable Masquerading for my servers on
> the subnet to be addressable, also in this use case scenario I have 5 or
> more wired servers and I want to extend my switch to bridge the Red
> Ethernet port
> STATUS: as above this does not work today FS#390
> 3) Small Office User Intranet: this extends SCENARIO 2
> SCENARIO: I use a second router, the Red Ethernet (that I name "ewan")
> is connected to my router at (2) and is assigned a fixed IP on the
> subnet. The Yellow Ethernet switch is bridged to WiFi as "LAN". The
> firewall is configured to SNAT LAN to EWAN.
> STATUS: today this works by editing /etc/board.json to add port 5 to the
> switch, adding a new VLAN to Switch0 to cover port 5, creating a new
> network interface EWAN. However it works only if I create a bridge
> br-ewan and I add eth1.2 to it, it does not work if I configure eth1.2
> directly to EWAN. I would like eth1.2 to be available in the list of
> interfaces (now I have to "know" that it exists and I have to configure
> it manually). Newbies might bang their head trying to use eth0.2 which
> is created by the additional VLAN, but it does not work.
> 4) Small Office Multi Wan: this extends SCENARIO 2 and 3
> SCENARIO: I have 2 xDSL WANs, one is as at (2), the second is an xDSL.
> The WAN port on my router is  configured as ADSL with
> pppoa-wan/pppoe-wan. The EWAN is connected to a router with Internet
> access and is assigned a fixed WAN IP.
> STATUS: as per SCENARIO 3, the Red Ethernet is configured manually by
> editing /etc/board.json
> 5) WiFi repeater: I configure the router just as a WiFi repeater, I need
> extra wired ports and I want to bridge the Red Ethernet to my LAN
> STATUS: as per SCENARIO 1 and 2
> 6) Home or Office user with separate xDSL Modem
> SCENARIO: I have an xDSL modem and I want to use pppoe over the Red
> Ethernet
> STATUS: I have never tried this scenario, but I believe this is what is
> covered by the default configuration on most routers with Ethernet WAN
> (I wonder why since I find this the least useful use case) and thus it
> is supposed to work
> SCENARIO 3 and 4 describe what are my current use cases
> In my 2 use cases it does not really matter whether the Red Ethernet is
> recognized as WAN. In case 3 it is sufficient that it is configurable
> with an IP, thus, whatever the name we give the interface, I would like
> it to appear by default on a fresh firmware install. To support CASES 1,
> 2 and 5, where I want to bridge my Red Ethernet to extend the ports on
> the switch, I need this to work (FS#390)
> I hope this helps.
> Mauro

tl;dr  can you try to be more precise and reduce this to the statement
you actually want to make please ?

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