On 02/04/2017 07:11 PM, Daniel Golle wrote:
> Hi Weedy,
> On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 07:49:22PM -0500, Weedy wrote:
>> On 1 February 2017 at 15:29, Jamie Stuart <ja...@onebillion.org> wrote:
>>> Hello LEDE / OpenWRT devs,
>>> I am requesting your help. First a little background…
>> ...
>>> This a known issue with the chipset and seems to have been round for years.
>>> We are currently building on LEDE trunk and still the issue persists.
>>> We are not driver developers, so my question is whether anyone with
>>> knowledge can help and provide a proper fix for this issue?
>> You will probably have the most luck posting a bounty on the linux
>> wifi mailing list.
> As a response to the many issues and obvious code quality problems in
> the patch adding support for MT7620 to rt2x00 I started a kickstarter
> project to fund an afternoon or two (depending on the amount people
> throw into my hat) of focussing on rt2x00 running on MT7620:
> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1327597961/better-support-for-mt7620a-n-in-openwrt-lede

Might be a good idea to send a mail to Micheael Larabel, the guy running 
Phoronix.com (linux-oriented news and benchmarks site), so he can write 
an article to raise awareness for that kickstarter project.
Or other linux-oriented news sites that might be interested.

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