Hello again. Thanks to borderline at
I could install the ZyXEL P-2812HNU-F1 uboot and I can boot into it.

What I did was shortcut the flash pins like described here
https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/arcadyan/arv7519#bootloader_hack till I
got the VR9 prompt and
then used U -> 0 and uploaded via xmodem the file

With that installed this is the bootlog

ROM VER: 1.1.4
CFG 06

U-Boot SPL 2013.10-openwrt5 (Nov 18 2014 - 19:54:01)
SPL: initializing NAND flash
SPL: checking U-Boot image
SPL: loading U-Boot to RAM
SPL: decompressing U-Boot with LZO
SPL: jumping to U-Boot

U-Boot 2013.10-openwrt5 (Nov 18 2014 - 19:54:01) P-2812HNU-Fx

Board: ZyXEL P-2812HNU-Fx
SoC:   Lantiq VRX288 v1.2
CPU:   500 MHz
IO:    250 MHz
BUS:   250 MHz
DRAM:  256 MiB
NAND:  128 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   ltq-eth
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!
P-2812HNU-Fx #

How can I get the information to make a proper .dts file for this
device ? The layout of the flash for the P-2812HNU-Fx has nothing to
do with this device.

    Area            Address      Length
[0] Boot            0x00000000    1024K
[1] Image 0         0x00100000   10240K
[2] Image 1         0x00B00000   10240K
[3] Configuration   0x01500000    2048K
[4] Boot Params     0x01700000    2048K
[5] Nvram           0x01900000    1024K
[6] Cert            0x01A00000   32768K
[7] EmergencyValue  0x03A00000    6144K
[8] Configuration2  0x04000000    2048K
[9] All area        0x00000000   67584K

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:49 PM, Mathias Kresin <m...@kresin.me> wrote:
> 28.08.2016 13:24, Mathias Kresin:
>> Am 28.08.2016 um 12:15 schrieb Hauke Mehrtens:
>>> On 08/28/2016 10:31 AM, Mathias Kresin wrote:
>>>> Am 27.08.2016 um 19:44 schrieb Juan Rios:
>>>>> I can load to memory using xmodem transfer and run but all I tried get
>>>>> locked without any output.
>>> Have you tried the kenrel with both serial interfaces? The SoC supports
>>> two and I do not know which on is used on your hardware.
>>> @Mathias is it normal that this does not work?
>> Mhh, I've missed that part of Juans mail. It's not clear to me what Juan
>> tried to load and run from ram.
>> Loadx and run the kernel from ram is a brilliant idea. Albeit I've done
>> it dozen times with u-boot, I never considered doing the same with
>> brnboot.
>> I might have some time later the day to give it a try.
> I couldn't manage to start an uncompressed LEDE kernel from ram. I've tried
> kernels with brncmdline and without. But the router immediately resets
> itself.
> Running the uncompressed recovery kernel from ram worked however.
> Mathias

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