From: Josua Mayer <>

When there is a) no rootfs_data overlay partition,
and b) /dev/root points to an ext4 partition
the partition would be mounted twice, once as / and then as /overlay.
The essence of this change is to return before mounting /overlay,
if /dev/root has been mounted as /.

Signed-off-by: Josua Mayer <>
 mount_root.c | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mount_root.c b/mount_root.c
index 608ce5d..13e5772 100644
--- a/mount_root.c
+++ b/mount_root.c
@@ -37,25 +37,45 @@ start(int argc, char *argv[1])
        if (!getenv("PREINIT") && stat("/tmp/.preinit", &s))
                return -1;
+       /*
+        * When the default overlay partition name rootfs_data can not be found,
+        * fall back to the special /dev/root device.
+        */
        if (!data) {
                root = volume_find("rootfs");
+               // mount /dev/root at /
                ULOG_NOTE("mounting /dev/root\n");
                mount("/dev/root", "/", NULL, MS_NOATIME | MS_REMOUNT, 0);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Before trying to mount and use "rootfs_data" let's check if there is
-        * extroot configured. Following call will handle reading config from
-        * the "rootfs_data" on its own.
-        */
-       extroot_prefix = "";
-       if (!mount_extroot()) {
-               ULOG_NOTE("switched to extroot\n");
+               /*
+                * Now that / has been mounted, and there is no overlay device,
+                * see if extroot is configured.
+                * 
+                * The following call will handle reading configuration from
+                * rootfs on its own.
+                */
+               extroot_prefix = "";
+               if (!mount_extroot()) {
+                       ULOG_NOTE("switched to extroot\n");
+                       /*
+                        * extroot succeeded mounting an overlay partition, 
+                        */
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               /*
+                * Even if extroot was not configured, considering that no 
+                * partition was found, and / was mounted, return now.
+                */
                return 0;
-       /* There isn't extroot, so just try to mount "rootfs_data" */
+       /*
+        * neither /dev/root nor extroot were used.
+        * Attempt to mount the overlay partition.
+        */
        switch (volume_identify(data)) {
        case FS_NONE:
                ULOG_WARN("no usable overlay filesystem found, using tmpfs 

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