On a somewhat related although not identical note, I've thought for some
time that even though I did the initial implementation of extroot that I
really am not a fan of the extroot concept.

I'd rather see better support non-root opkg install targets.

This means

a) Including opkg destinations in library search path
b) Putting opkg destinations bin:sbin:usr/bin:usr/sbin in path (doing
this only for a normal boot is not big deal because non-squashfs
packages are only available on the overlay or something like an ext4
rootfs anyway).
c) making sure packages can find things like usr/share other than
@ /usr/share

a) is one I'm not sure how to achieve on an LEDE system (I'm assuming
it's easy enough to tell procd what PATH to use once mount_root is
c) also looks like a challenge, barring symlinking

AIUI symlinking isn't necessarily a viable option because a symlinking
takes up an entire inode == erase block on jffs2.



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