2016-05-19 15:33 GMT-03:00 David Lang <da...@lang.hm>:
> actually, make menuconfig and altering the .config file is the way. This
> should pull in all the appropriate dependencies. If you edit the .config
> files manually, you need to check that all the dependencies are good
> yourself.

The process I followed was wget the package and put it in the
package/iptables path. There I altered the makefile to change the
version, hash and source.
I have to get rid of all the patches, perhaps because they are already
there (some appears not to). Then I confirm the changes in the
makemenu config and call make package/iptables/compile. It breaks with
an error about extensions, even using -J1 V=s (I'll get more details
on that). And the actual modules, I couldn't cross compile them from
source, since I got lost with autoreconf and KConfig. I'm kinda new to
this. Learning on the go.

> using an external drive is a last resort for when you can't fit everything
> into the flash in your device (or you are using an external device that is
> faster than the flash)

I thought about that yesterday. I'm using a 8Gb flash drive. But even
with an SSD it would be cut because of the 2.0 interface. I have and
What is the maximim size of image for a sysupgrade? About 6~7Mb ? My
router has 8Mb.

> no, if anything it's too limited a selection :-)
> Debian offers:
> # apt-cache search dhcp
> dhcp-helper - A DHCP relay agent
> dibbler-relay - portable DHCPv6 relay
> dibbler-server - portable DHCPv6 server
> dnsmasq - Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server
> isc-dhcp-relay - ISC DHCP relay daemon
> isc-dhcp-server - ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment
> isc-dhcp-server-ldap - DHCP server able to use LDAP as backend
> mythbuntu-diskless-server-standalone - Mythbuntu-diskless server environment
> with DHCP server
> opendrim-lmp-dhcp - OpenDRIM DHCP provider
> python-pydhcplib - Python DHCP client/server library
> strongswan-plugin-dhcp - strongSwan plugin for forwarding DHCP request to a
> server
> tcos-tftp-dhcp - Metapackage to install TCOS with atftp and DHCP server
> udhcpd - Provides the busybox DHCP server implementation
> uec-provisioning-dhcpd - the UEC Provisioning DHCP server
> wide-dhcpv6-relay - DHCPv6 relay for automatic IPv6 hosts configuration
> wide-dhcpv6-server - DHCPv6 server for automatic IPv6 hosts configuration
> What you are missing is that you select which one you want and compile it
> into your firmware image, or you compile them all as 'modules' and install
> whichever one you want later.
> David Lang

Oh, I worded it wrong. I thought that we could use other servers
alright. But what I meant was that on the standard config it installs
udhcpd with busybox, both odhcpd and odhcp6d and dnsmasq, Leaving me
with 3 at the same time. My efforts to use only dnsmasq or odhcpd
where not good. When the lease expires it won't renew or it won't
lease at all for some random wireless devices. Plus, static ips
wouldn't work.

I guess I'm trying too much. Maybe starting with compiling the extra
modules from iptables (xtables) sources and incorporating them in the
makemenu config...

Thank you!

Att. Gabriel Mazzocato

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