On Wed, Jan 1, 2025 at 11:37 PM Noel Duffy via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Lazarus 3.6 on MacOS behaves strangely when attempting to save a project 
> filename that contains a dash (-). It produces the error message:
> If the dash is removed, Lazarus saves the project filename. But why does it 
> reject filenames with a dash in them? The dash is a perfectly valid character 
> for a filename on MacOS, Linux and other Unixes, and Windows.

Some identifier with a '-' in it, is NOT a valid Pascal identifier
(see: IsValidIdent function in sysutils unit)
E.g. you cannot name a variable like this:
 a-b: integer;

Unit names (and a such program names) must be valid identifiers.

This is Delphi compatible.

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