On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:07 AM Bo Berglund via lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 08:53:01 +0300, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk via lazarus
> <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
> >Some portability is obtained if the libraries are linked as "static" .
> >If "dynamic" linking is selected , during execution of the program ,
> >the "same" library should be in the executing computer .
> >
> How is this accomplished in Lazarus?
> Does this change happen randomly or is it connected to the major Ubuntu
> releases
> like going from 20.04 to 22.04 rather than just keeping 20.04 up-to-date?
> It implies having to build applications on as old a system as ever
> possible,
> maybe using 16.04 or earlier just for making apps that can run on all
> systems,
> is that really true?
> It makes no sense to me...

Please study fpc.cfg file structure , and Lazarus IDE linking options .
On my computer , neither FPC nor Lazarus are installed .

There is an option to specify either dynamic linking or static linking of
libraries .

When static linking is selected , it is necessary to have  static linkable
libraries ( *.a )
of used parts , i.e. , dynamic linkable libraries ( *.so.* ) can not be
used for
static linking .


lazarus static linking of libraries

Comparison of Linux and Windows is not a fruitful action , because they do
not have much similarity
other than being operating systems .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

> And from https://wiki.freepascal.org/Lazarus/FPC_Libraries
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Static linking
> FPC compiles and links a static executable by default. That means it tells
> the
> linker to put all .o files of the project and all packages into one big
> executable.
>     Advantages:
>         No external dependencies.
>     Disadvantages:
>         No code is shared between different programs on the same computer.
>         You can not load/unload a plugin.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This idea was always why I liked Delphi when it came along in 1995 or so,
> just
> build an executable and it could be run everywhere.
> This is also why I liked FreePascal when it appeared because I did not
> need to
> bother with distributing extra files all over the place.
> So why has it changed now and how can I get around it?
> Developing on an up-to-date system should ensure the output could work
> everywhere, but not so now it appears....
> I cannot find any setting for this in Lazarus.
> Notice: This is a command line utility so it needs no access to any GUI
> components at all...
> --
> Bo Berglund
> Developer in Sweden
> --
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