On Wed, 22 Feb 2023 22:59:15 +0100, Werner Pamler via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>You uninstall a package in the "Package" > "Install/Uninstall packages" 
>dialog. Select the package to be removed in the left list, click 
>"Uninstall selection" and then "Save and Rebuild IDE".

I did the "Uninstall selection" OK but then I decided to go look for something
else so I did not use the rebuild button.

Next I went there again to do the rebuild, but now the button is no longer
enabled :-(

But I found another in Tools/Build Lazarus with profile Normal IDE
If I use that will it do the same as the button you referred to?

>This will remove bglcontrols which is a runtime/designtime package, but 
>it will not remove bgrabitmappack - it is a runtime package and thus is 
>not compiled into the IDE. This cannot crash the compilation of the IDE. 
>If you also want to get rid of it, go to "Package" > "Package Links", 
>find it in the list, check it and click "Delete selected". This removes 
>the path to the package from an internal list so that the IDE no longer 
>knows where the package is (the files are still there, though - but you 
>can delete them manually in the OS).

I will remove the package folders below pcp dir onlinepackagemanager for these

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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