On 1/6/23 9:36 AM, Andrew Haines via lazarus wrote:

On 1/5/23 6:23 PM, Martin Frb via lazarus wrote:
Without yet having looked at it (currently got a bit of an incoming queue)...

But there is a tutorial on how HL work: https://wiki.freepascal.org/SynEdit_Highlighter

After some careful examination(I had already seen that page) I found the problem was in GetRange I was calling inherited at the start instead of at the end. Always little things :) Thanks for the hint.

I'm hoping to include this in Lazarus if anyone is interested. I've got some further improvements I'm working on.

I've completed I think the most common markdown features and am installing it in the IDE. I did a search for JScript(another highlighter) to find the places in the IDE to modify.

The highlighter loads if I open a *.md file.

The default color I assigned in the source seem to be ignore but I was able to set new ones using Settings - Editor - Display  - Colors and selecting Markdown from the top.

I attached my changes to lazarus and also the new highlighter unit.

<<attachment: markdown.zip>>

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