Vampyre has its own file format registration system. There is a class
TImageFileFormat, and there is a list ImageFileFormats which stores the
parameters for all known file formats. Each file format has a
reader/writer unit, and these units add the file format to the
ImageFileFormatsList if such a unit exists in a uses clause.
FPC has a similar registration system, it registeres its own
reader/writers in a similar list, ImageHandlers.
Vampyre does not take care of the FPC image type registration. But
that's not the problem...
To make things worse, LCL has another registration system for the image
types known to TPicture. There is a list TPicFileFormatsList which
stores pointers to TPicFileFormat records. The instance of this list,
PicFileFormats, is accessible only via a factory function
GetPicFileformats which is not accessible from the outside. The formats
known to the TPicture are added in the constructor of
TPicFileFormatsList, again fully hidden inside the It is my
impression there is no way to register a new format in any way without
modifying the sources of TPicture.
This is bad... In my opinion, the TPicture file format registration
should be moved into the interface part of the graphics unit so that the
user can add his own image formats. Then Vampyre could call
GetPicFileFormats.Add and provide the information for its own
readers/writers; if there are duplicate formats the old ones should be
removed in the Add call.
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