Since the subject is
"up with Lazarus"
can I ask one question as follows :

I have  a Pascal program having  ( around ) 12000 procedures and a small
number of
units and it is compiled with Lazarus / Free Pascal only in Unix-like
operating systems
such as Linux and FreeBSD .

After converting all of the variant records to  non_variant records
( by removing "case " related part of its tag line , by keeping the tag
variable ) ,

(2) There is no any "Initialization" , "Finalization" parts in units

(3) Nearly all of the constants , types , and records are marked with their
unit names
      such as   Unit_A . constant_name , etc. .

Can I convert that program to JavaScript by using Lazarus ?

Later on I want to convert this program to C to link C sources from other
licensed repositories directly and then use only C ( not Pascal any more )
, and use JavaScript
programs derived from that program where they are more suitable .

Your suggestions are appreciated very much .

With my best regards ,

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 12:57 PM Marco van de Voort via lazarus <> wrote:

> Op 2-12-2021 om 10:19 schreef Marco van de Voort via lazarus:
> >
> > Op 1-12-2021 om 23:04 schreef Sergey Bodrov via lazarus:
> >> Pascal walks into a bar
> >> There are 100 000 Pascals in the bar!
> >>
> >
> ... and then he left because there was no Atmosphere.
> --
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