On Fri, 09 Apr 2021 07:51:35 +0200, Bo Berglund via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>On Fri, 9 Apr 2021 00:46:53 +0200, Martin Frb via lazarus
><lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>>On 08/04/2021 23:24, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:
>>> I just checked out 2.0.12 on a RaspberryPi4 and built it using my existing 
>>> fpc
>>> 3.2.0.
>>> The size of the executable is 271,368,224 bytes, which reduces to 30,127,876
>>> after using strip -s on it (takes away all the symbols).
>>> Since I am never ever going to be debugging lazarus itself, is there some
>>> setting I can use to NOT include the symbols in the first place?
>>> I want a lean and fast binary...
>>> Obviously since Lazarus rebuilds itself when packages are installed in the 
>>> IDE,
>>> this setting must be part of the installation somehow.
>>Settings are taken from Tools > configure build lazarus.
>>-O3 -g-
>>in there.
>So I did this on my RPi4 and it worked fine, the executable is now not in need
>of strip -s anymore.
>But when I tried to do the same on my Windows Lazarus 2.0.8 it resulted in
>Lazarus now starting up with ONLY the code editor window and the top Lazarus 
>All of the other windows I have adjusted around the code editor are gone!
>No more Object inspector, Messages, Project Inspector, Code Explorer...
>How come they disappeared?
>In RPi4 I did this in a newly installed Lazarus where I have not yet opened a
>project whereas on the Windows 2.0.8 I did it in Lazarus being in use with a
>project loaded (which Lazarus seems always to do).

Luckily I have started making backups of the files in the pcp directory so I
could restore the environmentoptions.xml file from the backup and now the
display is OK.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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