I am having an issue with casing of included units and codetools, I
searched through Mantis but did not find anything matching although I
think this issue is too obvious for nobody besides me seeing it:
I am on Lazarus Trunk (from yesterday or the day before), on a x86_64
Mac with Big Sur installed.
I have a unit in uses:
and the unit filename matches the written unit name.
Codetools works fine...
Then I change to:
now codetools complains that unit cannot be found when I try to get
context help via ctrl-Space.
However, the code still compiles fine because default Darwin Filesystem
(and/or) fpc does not care for upper/lower case in filenames on Darwin....
The main reason why this behaviour is quite annoying is that
traditionally(??) filenames for embedded Units are lowercase and their
definition in cpuinfo.pas is uppercase:
from cpuinfo.pas:
(controllertypestr:'STM32F100X4'; controllerunitstr:'STM32F10X_LD';
ls ~/devel/fpc/rtl/embedded/arm
allwinner_a20.pp cortexm3.pp cortexm7.pp lpc11xx.pp
lpc21x4.pp mk22f51212.pp raspi2.pp stm32f10x_cl.pp
stm32f10x_md.pp stm32f411xe.pp stm32f745.pp
at91sam7x256.pp cortexm3_start.inc lm3fury.pp lpc122x.pp
lpc8xx.pp mk64f12.pp sam3x8e.pp
stm32f10x_conn.pp stm32f10x_xl.pp stm32f429.pp stm32f746.pp
cortexm0.pp cortexm4.pp lm3tempest.pp lpc13xx.pp
mk20d5.pp nrf51.pp sc32442b.pp stm32f10x_hd.pp
stm32f401xx.pp stm32f429xx.pp stm32f756.pp
cortexm0_start.inc cortexm4f_start.inc lm4f120.pp lpc1768.pp
mk20d7.pp nrf52.pp stm32f0xx.pp
stm32f10x_ld.pp stm32f407xx.pp stm32f446xx.pp xmc4500.pp
Did I overlook some FAQ or should I open an issue on Mantis?
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