On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 1:59 PM R.Smith via lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> ..., but it is a pain in an otherwise flawless environment.

Lazarus project has over 2000 open bug reports, but yes it is *almost*

Is there any way I could achieve that in a setting or such so that
> Lazarus starts by showing the Palette tab and starts it with the
> Collapsed state?

The chosen tab, in this case Palette tab, should be persistent and stored
in a configuration file.
It will be applied for sure if you implement it.

The Expanded/Collapsed state would require an option. Where to put it? The
global options page for Component Palette is crowded. A new page for just 1
or 2 new options sounds like waste of space.
Any ideas?
If the Component-view window gets its own options, maybe the "Keep open"
Checkbox should go there, too.

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