On 5/6/20 6:33 PM, Brian via lazarus wrote:
What I intend to do is to run some searches of my entire tree, looking for
anything with lazar or fp in the name. Once I've got that information, I'll
work through the lists and delete anything that looks fpc or lazarus related.
Then I'll try fpcupdeluxe with another copy of trunk, and see whether it fixes the problem. It will take some time.

if you are on linux, something like this would be fairly quick and easy to 

sudo find / -type d \( -path .git -o -path .svn -o -path .cvs \) -prune -o -type f \( -iname "*.conf" -o -iname "*.cfg" -o -iname "*.cnf" \)

it should find every *.conf, *.cfg, and *.cnf file on the system while skipping all .git, .svn, and .cvs directories... you really don't need to dig through all of those, in most cases, ya know? ;)

once you have the list of matching files, then you can work through it looking for lazarus and fpc related configuration files... remember that not all of them will start with laz or fp...

while testing the above on my system which i've recently removed lazaruz and fpc from for needed drive space, i found a leftover fppkg.cfg in my ~/.config directory... knowing that directory was used for some things then lead me to look at it closer... i found a lazarus directory in there with a reg.xml apparently from the jedi tool(s) along with a lhelp directory with a conf for the lazaruz lhelp tool...

i also found a few left over fpc.cfg files in several project directories but those i kept because they contained only information on the project and nothing specific to lazarus or fpc...

hopefully the above find command will be helpful to you... i keep a copy of it in one of my hint files so i don't lose it from my command history ;)

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