For a while now I have had problems building custom lazarus.

The error is always something spilling related, and this case in extgraphics, code that uses an open array of tpoint.

I tried to copy and paste the relevant code in a separate unit and compile with the arguments that lazarus lists of "build ide", but no success.

Anybody also has this? I have seen this since december occasionally, but recently it got really more frequent.

Verbose: Compiling lcltranslator.pas
lcltranslator.pas(356,9) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
Verbose: Compiling extdlgs.pas
Verbose: Compiling C:\repo\lazarus\lcl\forms\calcform.pas
Verbose: Compiling C:\repo\lazarus\lcl\widgetset\wsextdlgs.pp
calcform.pas(598,3) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
Verbose: Compiling extgraphics.pas
extgraphics.pas(229,7) Error: Compilation raised exception internally
Verbose: Compilation aborted
Debug: An unhandled exception occurred at $0049383D:
Debug: EAccessViolation: Access violation
Debug:   $0049383D  GET_ALIAS,  line 1137 of rgobj.pas
Debug:   $0049664E  INSTR_SPILL_REGISTER,  line 2575 of rgobj.pas
Debug:   $00495E61  SPILL_REGISTERS,  line 2331 of rgobj.pas
Debug:   $00492D23  DO_REGISTER_ALLOCATION,  line 637 of rgobj.pas
Debug:   $00483DA9  DO_REGISTER_ALLOCATION,  line 896 of cgobj.pas

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