On Wed, 12 Feb 2020 00:21:06 +0000, Tom Lisjac via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>Thanks for your reply and comments... very helpful!
>Since your svn builds work without issue on the pi4, it looks like my
>persistence problem is with the lazarus package from the raspbian repo.

One heads-up here:
I have discovered that on my RPi4 with Lazarus IDE when interacting
with it via VNC I am experiencing random IDE crashes that leaves me
with unsaved source edits. :(

This did not happen before Xmas, so it might be a combination of
versions of Raspbian Buster, Raspbian VNC server, Real VNC client on
Windows 10 and possibly Windows 10 itself (I updated in December from
Win7 to Win10). It was very infuriating when working on a project.

I started to search for a way to have Lazarus save my project
regularly while I am working so as not to lose edits when the crashes
happen. Turns out that OnLine Package Manager has a useful package
called "AutoSave" already available!

I installed it and set the save time to 10 seconds.
After this was done the crashes no longer happen!
And my sources are constantly saved to disk

Win-Win! Highly recommended to use.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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