On 11/24/2019 10:47 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys via lazarus wrote:
On 23/11/2019 10:43 pm, Ralf Quint via lazarus wrote:
I personally loath VSCode just as much as VS itself (or XCode, for that
matter) or Eclipse.
I haven't really used VSCode, but as far as I understand, it's a editor,
not an IDE. The other point being, that it doesn't run on FreeBSD - a
platform I use very often.
Don't care about FreeBSD, but it might just be the "modern" thing that someone else (Ryan?) mentioned why I loath both VS and VSCode. It could be for a good part that I am used to the Borland (WS) keyboard mappings and the general editor behavior, after almost 40 years, those have become second nature (and are thoroughly missed whenever I have to use some other environment).
Web only apps is not really my cup of tea. I
don't always work where there is good any any internet.
Same here. Specially with the added discomfort of the recent PSPS (Public Safetly Power Shutdown) in our area, which are supposed to become a more common thing now, where we had twice in 10 days the power out for 30h and 38h respectively, which also means that during that time, there is no Internet service either (and no phone, TV and those of us here not on public water supply but on a well, without water, if they didn't have a separate generator for the well pumps). With a generator running to keep the fridge and freezer running as well as basic lighting, I could at least work just fine on my laptop for two long days programming in Lazarus, only interrupted by feeding the dogs and refueling once in a while the generator. And I am within the LA metropolitan area, just minutes from the sprawling urban area...
As for your comment about Eclipse. Just recently I boasted to Michael
about how awesome Eclipse and IntelliJ are (I do Java development these
day). They are like night and day compared to Delphi or Lazarus. The
amount of feature, how well they understand your code, the refactoring
ability, debugging features etc are all out of this world.
I don't do Java anymore, if I can by any means avoid it. There are a few other reasons why once in a while I might be forced to use Eclipse (or one of its derivatives) and it is just a bloated, slow as molasses carp...
As for XCode - now there I fully agree with you. I helped out on our iOS
product for a while. XCode is just weird. :-)

Weird would be an extremely nice way to put it. At least they lowered the amount of masochism necessary when starting to transition from ObjectiveC to Swift. Not that this would overall make it more palatable...


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