On Sat, 2 Nov 2019 15:04:15 +0100, Sven Barth via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>Bo Berglund via lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> schrieb am Sa., 2.
>Nov. 2019, 14:59:
>> On Sat, 02 Nov 2019 11:10:32 +0100, Bo Berglund via lazarus
>> <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>> I just found another strange IDE "feature":
>> If I am in a tab to the right (not the left-most tab) with the cursor
>> anywhere in the code and I want to add say a { character, I need to
>> press AltGr (the right hand Alt key) and the 7 key. This normally
>> results in a { character being output at the cursor.
>> But in Lazarus the focus immediately shifts to a different tab when
>> AltGr is pressed!!
>> How did that happen? All European languages to my knowledge uses the
>> AltGr key to compose special chars like {[]}\|~
>> Why is Lazarus stealing the AltGr key?
>Check the key mappings in Lazarus' options.

Nothing to see there (don't even know how the AltGr key would be
But now I have tested all threee versions I have on the RPi4 (2.0.2,
2.0.4 and 2.0.6) and all of them do this...

So I started my 2.0.4 on the Windows7 laptop (that is where I started
the console project), and this does NOT happen there. No tab switching
just inserting the correct characters.

Also started a text editor on the RPi4 and typed in my commands there
to create the special chars. Worked like a charm. No problems there at

So it seems like Lazarus on Raspbian (maybe also on Debian in general)
will hook into the AltGr key and do something unexpected with it.
The fact that I am using RealVNC to access the desktop from Windows
does not really matter because then it would be a problem also in text
editor outside of Lazarus, which it isn't.

Right now in RPi4 I have to use a text editor window from which I can
copy the needed special chars and paste them into Lazarus since
Lazarus itself is unable to handle them correctly...

Funny note:
If I am on the leftmost tab in Lazarus on RPi4, then I can compose the
special chars just fine...
So another workaround would be to move the tab holding the file to
edit to the leftmost position before editing...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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