On 16/08/2019 23:34, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:
On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 23:02:57 +0200, Martin Frb via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

That is on a new install. Not on an update, correct?
It is a new x64 install on Windows 7-x64 using the official installer
downloaded via the link in the release message. I installed a
secondary installation so I can keep the old for a while.

Given I used the "official" installer it should contain "everything"
needed for all enabled functions and yet it does not.
It looks I missed something? I got that you get an error on rasbi/arm.

I did not get what issue happens on win64? What is missing?

On Arm (Raspberry Pi units 2-3-4) I always use svn to get the sources
and install using my established script for Linux. I did so a few days
ago on an RPi4 I got a month ago.

But the same dialog on first start as always on RPi...
I understand the frustration. But I currently cannot test myself on rasberry. And I don't know when I will have the time to change that.

I thought I had recently answered to a similar mail about rasbi, including some pointers. But I cannot find that mail....

So questions here again:

Does editor macro work (self test passed / enabled in global options), if you remove the following changeset:

Ideally also run the testcase in the componet/pascalscript dir. But I leave that optional.

2) Does it work if the IDE (or relevant packages) are compiled with:

(That does not affect the test in the pascalscript dir)

3) If both are applied?

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