Am 14.06.2019 um 23:51 schrieb leyba bronstain via lazarus:
After installing the AnchorDockingDsgn package for Win7 x64, I noticed
a strange IDE behavior. If you dock any other window to the Source
Code Editor in the manner shown in the figure, then it becomes
impossible to close any tab of the Source Code Editor using the mouse
(using the shortcuts, the tab is closed correctly). It's a bug?
See more here:,45728.0.html
Yes, I can confirm that problem.
The SourceEditor doesn't have a default PopupMenu, it is created on
MouseUp. So the AnchorDockingPageControl is opening its PopupMenu. I
could recreate the problem in a simple app.
Imho a simple workaround could be to create a dummy PopupMenu for
SourceEditor, something like the added patch.
Can you please open a bug report on Mantis?!
Index: ide/sourceeditor.pp
--- ide/sourceeditor.pp (revision 61401)
+++ ide/sourceeditor.pp (working copy)
@@ -657,6 +657,7 @@
FNotebook: TExtendedNotebook;
FBaseCaption: String;
+ FDummyPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
FIsClosing: Boolean;
FSrcEditsSortedForFilenames: TAvlTree; // TSourceEditorInterface sorted
for Filename
TabPopUpMenu, SrcPopUpMenu, DbgPopUpMenu: TPopupMenu;
@@ -6557,6 +6558,8 @@
OnTabEndDrag := @NotebookEndDrag;
+ FDummyPopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
+ PopupMenu := FDummyPopupMenu;
debugln('[TSourceNotebook.CreateNotebook] D');
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