On Sun, 26 May 2019 08:54:23 +0200 (CEST), Michael Van Canneyt via
lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>So it looks like you're simply observing the  effects of the Windows filesystem
>cache. If you compile regularly, the filesystem cache is filled with files
>that the compiler needs and compiling goes fast. If you do nothing for a
>long time the OS starts slowly putting other files in the cache, and when
>you compile it must actually go and fetch the files from disk, which takes
>more time.

Seems like this is the likely cause...

My project is a video player tool and I use it at times to go over a
number of video files (large files) then I go back to Lazarus and
change things to improve the tool, compile and then I try my new
additions/changes for a while (not via Lazarus debug even though the
Lazarus IDE remains running).

So if the cache concerns the files I work on then most likely the
videos will replace the other files in the OS cache...

Note to clarify:
I have two disks on my system, one a 512 GB SSD system disk (houses
Windows C:) and one a 2TB SATA mechanical drive (D:) housing all of my
work files.
I install programs (like Lazarus) on C: but try to keep all work files
on the D: drive.
Obviously the C: drive access is MUCH faster since it is an SSD, so
program loads etc should be very quick.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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