Lazarus 2.0.0 / FPC 3.0.4 (both 32 bit) on Windows 7-x64

When I am working on my project and for example make a small change
like moving a few controls on the form, then build the executable
(Run/Compile) the time taken to complete varies a LOT as follows:

1) I have not done anything inside Lazarus for a number of hours, say
overnight, but the IDE has been running all the time. Then after I
move the controls it takes a rather long time to compile the exe file.

2) I am active in Lazarus for example some minutes after the situation
above (move the controls a bit more), then the compile is a LOT faster
and only takes a few seconds.

What causes this behaviour? Is there some "user activity timeout"
built into Lazarus that puts it into a sleep mode regarding compiles
or what? The IDE itself works normally.

Not a big issue but irritating nevertheless.

At first I thought that it was caused by my hard drive going to sleep,
but I have an application that writes a file on the disk drive every
10 seconds to keep it from sleeping (Windows 7 otherwise stops it from
running) and this is displaying the write time. So I checked it before
testing today. No problems there, the drive write time is displayed as
0 ms in that app....

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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