Downloaded from Walters page, tryied two times. I bought 16GB and now I am updating Stretch. I will send a message. Thx

Dňa 22. 3. 2019 o 13:20 Joost van der Sluis via lazarus napísal(a):
On 3/21/19 1:55 PM, Milan Baša via lazarus wrote:
OK. Thank You. I will buy larger SD. This one is what I have at home.
Tomorrow I will try new card.
Thank you for the effort.

Ik Lazarus crashes (Access violation) immediately on startup this has probably nothing to do with the size of your SD. It might be favourable to update it anyways, but won't solve your problem.

Did you compile Lazarus yourself? Or downloaded it somewhere? Better check that you have the correct version.


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