On Sat, 02 Mar 2019 09:56:07 +0100, Bo Berglund via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
Now for another RunCommandInDir problem:
When I run the command to extract the information a black command
window is briefly flashed on screen and then disappears.
Is there some way to make this window minimized or invisible while it
The available options for RunCommandInDir seem to be:
type TProcessOptions = set of (
poRunSuspended, //Start the process in suspended state.
poWaitOnExit, //Wait for the process to terminate before returning.
poUsePipes, //Use pipes to redirect standard input and output.
poStderrToOutPut, //Redirect standard error to the standard output.
poNoConsole, //Do not allow access to the console window for the
process (Win32 only)
poNewConsole, //Start a new console window for the process (Win32
poDefaultErrorMode, //Use default error handling.
poNewProcessGroup, //Start the process in a new process group
(Win32 only)
poDebugProcess, //Allow debugging of the process (Win32 only)
poDebugOnlyThisProcess //Do not follow processes started by this
process (Win32 only)
It seems like poNoConsole could be what I am after, but it is Win32
No option to hide the console?
Why not to use TProcess?
Carlos Eduardo S. Matuzaki
Curitiba, Paraná (Paraná), Brazil
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