Am 12.02.2019 um 10:44 schrieb Joe via lazarus:
Am 12.02.2019 um 00:51 schrieb Anthony Walter via lazarus:
Joe, you should delete, download it again:

Here is the location of the Rasberry Pi setup script:

chmod + x && ./

After that follow the instructions in the terminal. When the script completes you will have a menu entry in Raspbian under Programming titled Lazarus 2.0. Use that shortcut to launch Lazarus. Alternately you can navigate to the install location and in the lazarus folder run to start Lazarus 2.0 to with the properly configured environment.

You should see the Lazarus splash screen with version 2.0 emboldened at the bottom.


on executing this I just got the same error messages:. Among them:

tar: Das sieht nicht wie ein "tar"-Archiv aus
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
./ Zeile 206: /home/pi/Development/FreePascal/fpc/bin/fpcmkcfg: Datei nicht gefunden
and much more.

Nevertherless finishes with message "Your Free Pascal 3.0 with Lazarus is now installed".

Translation: 'Das sieht nicht wie ein "tar"-Archiv aus' -> Doesn't look like a "tar" archive
                     'Datei nicht gefunden -> Filre not found

Now I am preparing another sd card with Raspian Stretch again, but do not switch to German and try this again.

Regards --  Joe


in English-UK settings, I see the same behaviour of the script. Now it says 'this does not look like an tar arc hive'.

Regards --  Joe
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