function IsEditableTextKey(Key: Word): Boolean; begin Result := (((Key >= VK_A) and (Key <= VK_Z)) or ((Key >= VK_NUMPAD0) and (Key <= VK_DIVIDE)) or ((Key >= VK_0) and (Key <= VK_9)) or ((Key >= 186) and (Key <= 188)) or ((Key >= 190) and (Key <= 192)) or ((Key >= 219) and (Key <= 222))); end;
See that 188 here, 189 missed, 190 here. 189 is VK_OEM_MINUS. VK_OEM_PLUS = $BB; // For any country/region, the '+' key VK_OEM_COMMA = $BC; // For any country/region, the ',' key VK_OEM_MINUS = $BD; // For any country/region, the '-' key VK_OEM_PERIOD = $BE; // For any country/region, the '.' key why it's missed? -- Regards, Alexey -- _______________________________________________ lazarus mailing list