On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 8:52 PM Bo Berglund via Lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
> I have always been using the tags list:
> https://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/tags/
> and here are only immutable snapsots where I select the latest not set as RCx.
> Is that a bad practice?

It is not bad but I think using the HEAD of a fixes branch is even better.
Only bug fixes are merged there. New features stay in trunk.
Every bug fix makes things better.

> Do you mean that say fixes_1_8 contains these tags:
> lazarus_1_8_0
> lazarus_1_8_2
> lazarus_1_8_4
> and the top of the fixes_1_8 branch has the very latest released fixes?

Yes, except that fixes_1_8 branch is not updated any more as fixes_2_0
took its place.
Here you can see what is already merged for the coming 2.0.0RC2:
Thus the HEAD of fixes_2_0 is already much better than RC1.
Most, maybe all, of those bugs exist in Lazarus 1.8.4, thus fixes_2_0
is way better.

> If I already now have 1_8_4 as a tag and would like to switch it over
> to the fixes branch, how is that done?

I gave you instructions earlier in this thread.
This is the fixes_2_0 branch:
It may be easiest to do a new "svn checkout" for it and delete the old one.

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