On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 21:09:56 +0200, Bo Berglund via Lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>So I have Lazarus ver 1.8.4 and FPC ver 3.0.4 rev 57972 on my Windows
>7 Pro X64 laptop.
>I have also installed the IndyLaz package to get the Indy10 components
>and this works fine.

It turns out that this is false information!
This version of FPC/Lazarus has not yet been provided with IndyLaz
package. And I need OnLine Package Manager to do it.

Now I am having problems because I cannot get the installation of OLPM
to work...

I have tried to install the OnlinePackageManager using instructions on
this page:

I did select the available package onlinepackagemanager 1.0, then hit
Install Selection and waited a while until it was done. Then I assume
it was rebuilding the IDE, but nothing much happened when it was done.
So I exited Lazarus and started it again, then went over to Package
Install/Uninstall only to find that the "available" list is now
missing OLPM but at the same time it is not part of the other list and
it does not show up on the main Package menu.

In Package/Package Graph I can find the OLPM entry and it is marked
with a green plus sign and when I click on it the info below shows

State: Install on next start
Description:  Online package manger

I have exited and restarted Lazarus several times already but it does
not change a thing. No sign of OLPM.

What can I do to actually register OLPM with my Lazarus?

On previous installations this has "just worked" but not now....

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Lazarus mailing list

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