>  On my Linux + KDE system however icons of the IDE's main menuitems do not scale. > In KDE settings panel -> Fonts I set the "Force font's DPI" value to 144 which is about 150%.

I remember I worked on it:

1.) Gtk2: I added support for Gtk2. See screenshot. It works well for me if I use "xrandr --dpi 144x144" as it is suggested in http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/High_DPI

Your settings revealed a bug in Gtk2 bindings. Patch is attached.

2.) Qt: I wasn't able to add support of high-resolution icons in menus under Qt. My conclusion was that either Qt itself or LCL-Qt bindings do not support big icons in menus. When I used the correct size icon in the menu it was always (badly) downscaled to 16x16 pixels.


Index: lcl/interfaces/gtk2/gtk2winapi.inc
--- lcl/interfaces/gtk2/gtk2winapi.inc  (revision 59319)
+++ lcl/interfaces/gtk2/gtk2winapi.inc  (working copy)
@@ -4723,10 +4723,10 @@
   //we will also have to add internal support for Papersizes etc..
   LOGPIXELSX : { Logical pixels per inch in X }
-    Result := RoundToInt(gdk_screen_width / (GetScreenWidthMM / 25.4));
+    Result := ScreenInfo.PixelsPerInchX;
   LOGPIXELSY : { Logical pixels per inch in Y }
-    Result := RoundToInt(gdk_screen_height / (GetScreenHeightMM / 25.4));
+    Result := ScreenInfo.PixelsPerInchY;
   SIZEPALETTE: { number of entries in color palette }
     if GetVisual then
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