On 10/08/18 20:45, leledumbo via Lazarus wrote:
I find myself wondering whether > they could be given a more friendly frontend by 
wrapping them in a > Lazarus app, with an on-screen keyboard similar to what's found 
on a > tablet etc.
Sounds like my non-web hobby projects with Lazarus.
Is it possible to link a C or possibly C++ program into a Lazarus one by > 
simply calling its main() function? Has anybody actually done this?
I don't do that, though. Even if technically possible, there are hiddenstuffs 
you have to be aware of. main() is only a specification in Cstandard, where the 
user code starts. However, long before that, there's astartup mechanism 
specific to each implementation. In GCC, this is _start,absolutely 
non-portable. That's why the IMO better way is to communicateover pipes via 

Thanks for that. The program I'm thinking about is actually pretty simple and ancient- written by Ken Thompson- so I might be in with a chance.

What I'd /really/ like to do is port it- complete with UI helper- to Android. However at that point I have to add my voice to Bo's plea of a couple of weeks ago: what's the current situation and future plans of Lazarus as far as Android is concerned? I see mention of Laz4Android in e.g. http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Android_tutorial : is that mainstream or is there some other preferred solution?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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