On 11.06.2018 21:03, Bo Berglund via Lazarus wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jun 2018 10:23:44 +0200, Michael Schnell via Lazarus 
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

You want to compile some 3rd party Dongle code in the IDE ?

That is more than weired !

Sorry, I don't really know what you mean here...
What is the reason for this comment?
Unlike Delphi it seems like when one wants to add components to the
development IDE palette in Lazarus one has actually to *rebuild* the
IDE, there seems to be no otehr way...

As fpc/Lazarus dos not (yet) provide run time packages, and IMHO it will ask for major problems when compiling the Lazarus IDE to contain the Dongle code, I suppose your best option is to replace the Dongle .OBJ file by a small pascal function and use this to build your package to allow it for compiling the IDE (providing the design time stuff) and the user program (providing the run time stuff).

Now you need to "fake" the runtime package behavior by doing the said small pascal function in a way that it dynamically (not in the startup code !) loads and then uses a dll .

The dll would be done in a way that it just forwards the call to the functions provided by Dongle .OBJ to same, and statically links to it.


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