On Sat, 09 Jun 2018 17:19:01 +0200, Bo Berglund via Lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>The CustomSort it complains about might exist in a used unit in Delphi
>but not in Lazarus for example?

I opened Delphi 2007 and dropped an EasyListview object onto the form
so I could trace this CustomSort method.

If I use the "find declaration" command on the CustomSort that Lazarus
errors out on I am moved over to this code inside ComCtrls:

function TCustomListView.CustomSort(SortProc: TLVCompare; lParam:
Longint): Boolean;
  Result := False;
  if HandleAllocated then
    if not Assigned(SortProc) then SortProc := @DefaultListViewSort;
    Result := ListView_SortItems(Handle, SortProc, lParam);

So it seems like my Lazarus package is missing some reference to the
equivalent of ComCtrls when I create the package from scratch.
Surely something I have not done or such, but what could it be?

Does ComCtrls exist also in Lazarus?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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