On 23.05.2018 19:29, Vojtěch Čihák via Lazarus wrote:
But I need to add images at design-time via Image List Editor. I have
my images at *.svg format and I use script for converting (I use rsvg
So I need to know where to store transfered images (one or more
directories) and what names (or suffixes) give them to be able to load
them via Image List Editor at once (if possible).
I don't understand you. The design-time Image List Editor is a
click-here/click-there WYSIWYG dialog. There are absolutely no rules how
you have to save your images... Just load the images one-by-one. The
resolutions will be detected automatically.
But I really advice you not to store all resolutions in the LFM.
Instead, use one big resolution (typically 256x256). All needed
resolutions will be automatically scaled from it in run-time. Add
smaller resolutions only if they don't look good.
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