On 04/29/2018 03:00 PM, Carlos E. R. via Lazarus wrote:
The other day I got this error in a program (on Linux):
cer@Telcontar:~/bin/lazarus/mios> ./crc32test ./crc32test
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000400951:
EInOutError: Unknown Run-Time error : 026
$0000000000400951 line 26 of crc32test.lpr
$0000000000400A5C line 42 of crc32test.lpr
crc32 = cer@Telcontar:~/bin/lazarus/mios>
Notice the "Unknown" there. And indeed, error 26 is not listed here:
A friend pointed me to this file:
and there it is indeed listed:
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
The error number does match the situation: the IDE has hold of that file
for debugging. Interesting.
But the problem is, why is that error not listed, unknown?
Today a poster wrote about this other error (subject: [Lazarus] Runtime
error: INCLOCKED):
Runtime error 216 at $0000000000400BD5
$0000000000400BD5 INCLOCKED
$0000000000400216 DISPLAY, line 23 of project1.lpr
$0000000000400360 main, line 32 of project1.lpr
$000000000042BE00 SYSENTRY, line 129 of system.pp
which is not listed. I do not know if he is running Linux or Windows, so
I have no idea either what the error is in his case.
Do we know of more places that list those error numbers? Can we compose
a full list?
By the way, C has a function: "strerror(26)" which returns the text
message for the error. I don't know if we have.
216 is a General Protection Fault.
for other errors see: https://freepascal.org/docs-html/user/userap4.html
Don Ziesig
Lazarus mailing list