On 2018-04-24 19:36, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus wrote:
>> The "Source -> Enclose in IFDEF" dialog comes to mind.
> I don't see a problem here. Can you be specific?

I've just retested with Lazarus Trunk, and indeed it is keyboard
friendly now. It definitely wasn't so before. Not sure when it got
improved, but I'm very glad it is. I'll start using it again.

>> The Package windows too.
> This one is better to be used with mouse. Honestly, I don't know how you 
> want to redesign it to be usable with the keyboard.

The ability to quickly search and open a package (probably project
dependies only) and then be able to quickly do actions like Build,
Search for unit etc. And the ability to switch back to the main editor
windows again.

Currently I can't tab between toolbar buttons, can't trigger the "More"
dropdown. I can't even figure out how to tab between IDE windows (I can
tab between ALL applications currently open, but not just Lazarus).


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