
1. Agreed about the use of trunk FPC/lazarus.

2. In the standalone designer, I can reproduce the bug in step 8, but not the 
one in step 4.

3. In view of point 2, please report bugs.


On Mon, 26 Feb 2018, Andreas Frieß via Lazarus wrote:

Actual it make IMHO only sense with the actual trunk fpc (and trunk Lazarus). Pls use the standalone designer too, to make a check if the problem is not only in the fp-report component.


Am 25.02.2018 um 20:33 schrieb patspiper via Lazarus:
On 25/02/18 21:09, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus wrote:
On Sun, 25 Feb 2018, patspiper via Lazarus wrote:

I am able to create fpreports by code.

However the graphical designer is riddled with serious bugs making it impossible to use. I haven't succeeded in creating a single report. Is something wrong with my installation, or is the designer still in alpha stage? I'll create bug reports if it's the latter case.

Hm. I don't know your installation of course, so it is hard to comment on that.

But you should definitely be able to make reports. I know I do. But then, I made it, so I will probably avoid doing things that confuse the designer...

If you do experience bugs, please report them, I will do my best to fix them ASAP.

I use FPC 3.0.5 with fpreport from trunk along with lazarus trunk.

Just to test the waters:

1- Create a new application
2- Place a TFPReport on the form
3- Double click the FPReport component to open the designer
4- Add a page by clicking the add page toolbutton
-> Bug1: The page properties are not displayed in the designer's object inspector
5- Add a databand and enlarge it
6- Click on memo toolbutton
7- Click on the databand without dragging. The memo will be created with 0 size.
8- Resize the memo with the mouse
-> Bug2: The designer freezes and cannot be closed anymore

If you can confirm these 2 bugs, i'll start creating bug reports in the tracker.


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