I was upgrading my FPC/Lazarus program from Win32 to Win64 bit.
It complied ok but when run, the debugger raised an exceptoin:
"Can not load SQLite client library "sqlite3.dll"
At first, I though it is because the existing sqlite3.dll is win32
format so I went to https://sqlite.org/download.html to download
and replace the old sqlite3.dll with the win64 bite version.
However, now it does not an exception but just quietly quit without
doing anything.
I think I might need another file called libmysql.dll but that is not
available from https://sqlite.org/
I googled for it and found that an unknown site called
www.dlldownloader.com has it but I am afraid to use it fearing it might
be a virus infected file.
Does anyone know whether I need a 64bit version of libmysql.dll, if yes,
where can I get it safely?
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