Hi, I have this code for improved autocomplete of TCombo: var i, aCharMatch, aIndex: Integer; aCmbText, aItemStr: TUTF8Scanner; aStr: string; begin with TStringGrid(TComboBox(Sender).Parent) do if TComboBox(Sender).ItemIndex>=0 then Cells[Col, Row]:=TComboBox(Sender).Items[TComboBox(Sender).ItemIndex] { item matched by Combo } else begin { try match item by UTF8Scanner } if TComboBox(Sender).Items.Count>0 then begin aIndex:=0; aStr:=UTF8lowercase(trim(TComboBox(Sender).Text)); if aStr<>'' then begin aCmbText:=TUTF8Scanner.Create(aStr); aItemStr:=TUTF8Scanner.Create; aCharMatch:=1; for i:=0 to TComboBox(Sender).Items.Count-1 do begin aItemStr.UTF8String:=UTF8lowercase(TComboBox(Sender).Items[i]); while (not aCmbText.Done) and (not aItemStr.Done) do begin if aCmbText.Next=aItemStr.Next then if aCmbText.CharPos>aCharMatch then begin inc(aCharMatch); aIndex:=i; end; end; aCmbText.Reset; end; aCmbText.Free; aItemStr.Free; end; TComboBox(Sender).ItemIndex:=aIndex; Cells[Col, Row]:=TComboBox(Sender).Items[aIndex]; end; end; It uses UTF8tools http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/UTF8_Tools by Theo. I tried to compile project after while (few month) and I have got this error message: unicodeinfo.pas(1180,53) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "UnicodeToUtf8" Error: Found declaration: UnicodeToUtf8(PChar;PUnicodeChar;Int64):Int64; Question is: How can I repair unicodeinfo.pas? Or better, can I do the same job without UTF8Tools package? Thanks for help, V.
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