I'm testing the use of a webbrowser for my helppages, using the
ActiveXContainer. The example of early binding I found on
http://wiki.freepascal.org/LazActiveX. It works, but when I'm using -gh
while compiling I get an error and a memory leak.
Heap dump by heaptrc unit
1963 memory blocks allocated : 398794/402216
1959 memory blocks freed : 397666/401088
4 unfreed memory blocks : 1128
True heap size : 557056
True free heap : 555136
Should be : 555416
Call trace for block $0000000001585410 size 40
Call trace for block $00000000014F9560 size 128
Call trace for block $0000000001569670 size 176
Call trace for block $0000000001518320 size 784
$000000010018CDD2 line 3386 of shdocvw_1_1_tlb.pas
$000000010002EDA7 line 45 of unit2.pas
$0000000100020951 line 928 of include/customform.inc
$000000010001EAE5 line 149 of include/customform.inc
$00000001000259E7 line 3080 of include/customform.inc
I cannot figure out where this problem can be solved. I've tried late
binding (with VLC) and early binding (webrowser Internet Explorer), both
have a memory leak. Ok, it's a small leak, but still a leak. Is this
Frans van Leeuwen
M 06-51695390
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