Op 22-06-17 om 17:15 schreef Bo Berglund via Lazarus:
I downloaded the LNet 0.6.5 zipfile from:

Download the latest version from subversion: https://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpcprojects/lnet/trunk

You could also use fppkg: fppkg install lnet

You have to fiddle with your configuration, though, as http-downloads are not allowed anymore. (use fppkg listsettings to show where your setting-file is located. Change the downloader from 'lnet' to 'wget' and change the download-url to https)

If you also add 'FPMakeOptions=--lazarusdir=/path/to/lazarus/' it will register the location of the lnet-visual package in the IDE, so you can install it into the IDE.


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