Some more info on my own mail, which I mistakenly only send to Ondrej:
Op 13-06-17 om 23:50 schreef Joost van der Sluis:
Op 13-06-17 om 23:22 schreef Ondrej Pokorny:
Joost reported in the Lazarus mailing list today that CodeTools
probably miss the FPC define due to an unknown reason and therefore
the out parameter isn't parsed properly. I wasn't able to help him.
Could you take a look?
I can give some more information. The content of hints, warnings and
errors are not shown in the messages-screen. I thought it was unrelated.
But I think it's related.
My guess is that the defines are parsed from the compiler-output (-va)
But that the compiler-output is not parsed right.
I'm fiddling around in etFPCMsgParser. At first sight I see that the
parser looks for 'Warn:' while my compiler outputs: 'Warning:'. But
that's not the main issue.
I did not debug the code, only looked briefly. But what I do see is that
for some strange reason the compiler-output adds some extra characters.
This is an example-output from trunk:
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.1.1 [2017/06/13] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64^@
Compiling unit1.pas^@
unit1.pas(8,22) Fatal:^@ Can't find unit FileUtil used by Unit1^@
Fatal:^@ Compilation aborted^@
Maybe that the ^@ (tab?) character is messing things up? I don't see
this character in fpc 3.0.0's output.
I'll dig further tomorrow.
The ^@-character actually is #0. The parsing is done using pchar's,
which are cut-off at the #0 sign.
I think I'll have to find out why the compiler outputs #0 characters in
the middle of strings....
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