On 17.05.2017 19:59, Luca Olivetti wrote:

It took me a while to see that the c bindings are included, the
README.txt in the lcl/interfaces/qt5 directory just says:

"To use them you also need to download and install
at appropriate place the libQt5Pas.so (linux)
or Qt5Pas.dll (ms windows) or Qt5Pas.framework (Darwin).

For more information see:

So, after unsuccessfully compiling the beta version from
http://users.telenet.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/fpcqt4.html I finally
found http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Qt5_Interface which says that
the bindings are included :-/
They're building now.

Thanks, I'll fix README.txt ... Jan stopped to support bindings for almost one year, so I've taken his latest Qt5 bindings an manually updated classes and everything and commited it into laz trunk.. You must build it at your own for now, but as soon as I stop update C part of bindings I'll build them for linux64,win32 and macosx qtcocoa 64bit and put it somewhere so ppl can download. I don't have any plans to build linux32 or mac32 (carbon) Qt5 C bindings atm.


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