On 2017-05-03 01:21, Marcos Douglas B. Santos via Lazarus wrote:
> Sorry about that. I stopped using Delphi at version 7, that uses ANSI.
> I thought that Delphi nowadays was using UTF16.

They (Delphi) loves to follow Microsoft. Files are stored in UTF-8 (this
is the norm), but they use UTF-16 internally.

Lazarus stores files in UTF-8 and uses UTF-8 internally.

Some background info
UTF-16 was the first encoding implementation for Unicode - at a time
when they thought 2-bytes will be big enough for everything. They were
wrong. So then they invented UTF-8 to solve the problem. But by that
time Microsoft already standardised on UTF-16, so Delphi followed suite.
Linux, FreeBSD etc saw the light and used UTF-8 instead.


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