
> With online package managers there is the problem of centrally locating
> all packages at a single URL or repository, correct?


> So which url will be used? Sourceforge, freepascal.org...

Our own: http://packages.lazarus-ide.org/

> Whatever happened to the freepascal package download system at the command
> line? was that ever implemented? sorry I am not up to date on it..

It was abandoned for a long time. AFAIK is under development again, @joost
is working on it. 

> One advantage of a central package system is that it encourages people to
> upload their packages, such as like torry.net. Whereas if each guy has his
> own website and then his website goes down or he quits programming, that
> package on his site gets lost and people must use archive.org or brute
> force techniques to find it online...

Yes I agree! This is one of the reason we decide to go with a central
repository. Each package can be also updated from the developers webpage(it
can be anything: sourceforge, github, personal page, etc...)

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